i realized that i really do learn something new everyday, and it's crazy how my feelings get stronger everyday too! so here's an update.
1. single and taken...more like in the middle- all because of [ill.]
2. i just cut my hair again...more bangs and layers- tryna grow it back tho
3. went to a religious retreat and it was life changing!!! :)
4. back seat windows up- Ecstacy! ;)
5. LA vacation for a week
6. miscellaneous
***Not really in order, but i figured ill take the time to talk about them briefly since i aint been on here in a cool ass minute...so here we go!
Yeah so if somebody asks if im single or not, id still say "Yeah, im single BUT..." Only because i am seriously 'talking' to someone [my baby, my stank ass/punkass]. He's my Shaggy and im his Scooby...we argue cuz he likes to fight me but we're cooo cuz his goofy ass makes me laugh, that's just our relationship. No, i dont love him but i definitely [ill.] him and he nisses me. Dont ask. It's between him and I :)

My haircut and pedicure...ohhh i felt so pampered today thanks to my Mother :) Not much to say about it, but im about to look fresh again...BUT i need a new wardrobe...HINT HINT!~

I went to a retreat this past weekend from Friday to Sunday night. I really believe that my life has changed for the better because of it. Everybody was sooo nice and the things i learned from it made me realize that there were things ive done that were wrong. I got to confess and it just helped me get closer to God :)

Sooo, the new Trojan Ecstacy commercial...ive already experienced. Friday, June 19th. I was getting ready with Elize because after we ate at Chili's, my baby drove half an hour to pick me up from Elize's house in Baldwin Hills and took me back to his city in Pasadena, and while we were waiting for his boy's gf to get ready and stuff...well let's just say that Ludacris song came true ;) then went to go see the Hangover but we were late so we ate at the Cheesecake factory then finally saw the movie. I had lots of fun cuz I missed him alot. He did things that he usually wouldnt do because he's not used to it like hold my hand, kiss me on the cheek, and hold me during the movies and i appreciate him and the little things he does :)

LA vacation came earlier than expected because the lakers won the championship so i decided to go to LA to go to the parade but we couldnt make it cuz it was packed! So we ate at the Serving Spoon instead and i finally had theeee best grits and bacon ever! That trip was sooo productive. Tried many things ive never had before like Roscoe's, Porschia's, grits, Elize's mom's jambalaya, a backyard bbq, the backseat leather lmao, etc... mannnnn i loveeeeeee LA! Big thanks to Elize and her fam :)
Ohhh and I got to visit Balboa Park and some of the museums a couple of weeks ago! It was fun and I ended up spending the day in Seaport Village and Downtown SD too! Got a California burrito with guacamole and sour cream, of course, from Lolita's, then Victor's to chill...then saw the midnight screening of Transformers 2!

Ahhh, feels good to be back on my blog. Until next time, hopefully it wont take two months for the next entry :)