This is the first time I've actually felt like we, as a family, are celebrating this holiday we're not really used to. This year, we're actually having turkey and other "regular" Thanksgiving foods instead of just cooking some special foods my mom makes (i.e. lasagna, steaks, etc.) Shoot, we're even having pecan and maybe some pumpkin pie...with the additional Filipino stuff too of course, just to add our own lil twist LOL.
So anywhoo, I thought it would be appropriate if I announced my appreciation for a few people and things that are near and dear to me & my lil heart.
First off, I'd like to say how grateful to my beautiful parents. I don't think I can really say enough to even justify how much they have done and continuously do for me. I've just really been fortunate to have two strong individuals that hold one strong bond as my foundation, because even when I feel low, I know I'll always have them to fall back on and build upon again...& again, and for that AND MORE...I thank them.
Next on the list are my two younger siblings, Dianne & Lance. It's amazing how much closer we've gotten over the past couple of years. There are still some times when I'd wish I was an only child cuz they know what buttons of mine to push BUT, with that said, they also know what advice to give I'm upset over something or someone else. I always look forward to sharing lots of laughter with them when I'm stressing out because they help me feel better. They get mad at me for my stupid decisions and what not, but they never fail to forgive me, and for that, I can't thank them enough.
Next are my girls. No homo, but I'm talking about the ones who stand by me and have my back even when I don't have my own. Those who get affected by my emotions just as much as they affect me because despite the length of our relationship, they just seem like my other sisters. To my roommate who shows me the more logical side of things when I get really emotional, I thank you for truly having my back even when I'm too stubborn, and for many other things. To my girls from way back when, I thank yall for still being there to talk to even if times have separated us. To all yall, thank you for being that circle of girls I can rely on for truth, minus the cattiness and backstabbing. [Special shout outs to Elize, Angel, Esther, Nakia, and Adel.]
To all the boys I've loved before...LOL jp, but here's to all the boys in my life. I used to always say that I get along with boys better than girls (not even on some hoe shit) but I realized that it's because they have the directness I lack. They know just what to tell me when I'm feeling really heavy, whether it's with their stupid/silly/goof jokes, silly nicknames, and straight up advice. And if you know me, you'd know that I have quite the "issues" with your kind LMAO...nah but seriously. I thank yall for being the good representations of your gender cuz times like these, it's hard to weed out the good from the bad and I'm lucky to have some of the best. [Special shout outs to Michael Hart, Marco, Derryl Bo, and Myke B]...and to Jordan, I was wondering why you were still a part of my life but now I know why cuz ur words of encouragement are MY shit & idk what I would do without you, so thank you. And to all my boys, yall don't know just how much I appreciate yall.
And one last thing, in the beginning of this blog I really wasn't about to add this person on here, but as I started writing, I realized that I am thankful for him too. Thankful because with all the things I've had to deal with, it's definitely helped me realize my limits and how much patience and strength I have as a well as how stubborn and dumb I can get. So thanks for putting me through...well no, thanks for being the person who made me realize how much I'm worth and for making me realize how much I can care about someone despite some things, and for making me realize that I'm strong enough to be me so I shouldn't be scared even if one person doesn't appreciate it because someone else will. I've had my issues and you've had yours and idk why but you somehow still have a hold of a part of me, and "we bin thru the forest n the fire n [you] try 2 keep [me] un scathed n without burns" and we keep [crawl]ing So thanks.