a week!!! Anywhoo here's the recap:
THURSDAY- Kicked it with the four brothers after we got Wings & Things and Quiznos. Then chilled. Then went to the other house in Mira Mesa and chilled some more. Then Roberto's california burrito with extra sour cream & guacamole and a churro! :)
FRIDAY- OMFG theeee longest effin day ever! Snapple crackin and clothes mudded. Then kicked it with the cutie patooties LMAO sikeeee! Chilled. Asian groupies. Alone in the laundry room. Back to my room. Slept on the floor. No cutty =/
SATURDAY- Rain for the 3rd day in a row! Up at 7:30 am...thanks Justin like damn! LMAO. Bye J&W. Party by state for Adel. Chilled. Black&Mild. DRANK!!! Try some Captain with cranberry juice and sprite :) Dancing. Karaoke. Back to UCSD.
[Total sleep in those three days: about 10 to 11 hours]
SUNDAY- Home. Church. Shopping. Lakers win! :)
YESTERDAY- the worst day ever!!! I've never felt so annoyed/irritated...it was definitely a crash! =(
Things are better now. But fuck this freezing up infront while I try to speak!!! Need a car. Need new squeezes! Where yall at!
***EHHHHH!...it could be wayyy better! =/
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