If you go to sleep without any anger, sadness, or negativity in your mind, I find that a smile just automatically appears, just as if angels were watching over me to sleep peacefully. The smile just carries on throughout the day, and before you know it, your life is already brighter. :)
"Stop trying to run away from your problems and fears. Dare to be fearless and tackle just what it is that is keeping you from succeeding. There are far more people who are troubled in more ways than you are. If it is failing or rejection you are scared of, then you are a coward and do nor even deserve to taste success, because as much as failing and getting rejected hurts, it makes succeeding all the more delicious and refreshing."
So, after a few days of simply feeling unmotivated, I finally wake up feeling so good about myself and everything around me! I think it may be the 5-hour nap I took last night, or possibly the 2-hour sleep I got this early morning...but whatever it may be, I'm glad my phase of being not driven is over with. Today was so great that I was walking with a huge smile to a meeting I didn't even want to attend in the first place. Things only got better because I had dinner at El Torito's after I got 'Chris Brown'd' LMFAO! Oh and btw, E and I are finally on the same hype at the same time :)

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