Saturday, October 24, 2009


Before I start, I wanna give a shout out to Bo Derryl for inspiring this particular piece right here. Thanks Derrylllll! [lmao in my crackhead momma voice]

I'm not gonna go into detail about what happened and what story inspired this because that's not for me to discuss cuz it aint my business, but I will say that it has re-opened my eyes to the many things that people, including myself, forget about and take for granted.

I've said it many, many, many times that the little things count the most for me personally & this also applies to the decisions that I make. However, there are times when I don't even think before I act upon things. But this situation made me re-evaluate myself and my decision-making because each of our choices correspond to a specific consequence, whether it be good or bad. Everything happens for a reason. We may not know the reason then and there but we will find out sooner or later. Most of those times, those consequences affect us, but there are some times when our decisions can affect and involve other people's lives as well.

Sometimes, even decisions that we think are beneficial to us may result in a negative consequence, and this may upset us but in the end, it was meant to teach us a lesson and strengthen us to be better for the next choices we make. Sometimes, the worst things happen to the greatest and nicest people. And what's crazy is when that happens, we tend to put the blame on someone, and unfortunately some blame is put on God, when in fact, it should cause us to bind stronger and closer to Him and have more faith. Because there is no solution in blaming anyone, even yourself. It doesn't solve anything, it complicates things even more.

I feel like I can go on and on about this subject, but I guess all I'm really trying to say is that we should be more compassionate, sympathetic, and wiser about our decisions because we never know what may happen. There are so many different ifs in life that we don't know and won't know about until we're in those situations. With that said, we should always remember to be thankful for the blessings and graces we receive, and that includes the people we are surrounded with. Never go a day without letting those you care about know how much you appreciate them. And whatever happens, know that it is for a reason and life is for us to live with the people who love and cherish us, carrying out the things we were meant to be individually to do be better.

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