Monday, October 5, 2009

No boundaries

Yesterday was Sunday so as expected, I went to church with my family. Nothing out of the ordinary, nothing out of the blue...same thing we do every Sunday afternoon at 5pm EXCEPT for the fact that I felt like God was directly speaking to me through the priest's mouth and his words. He started off talking about truth and how truth is a symbol of God's love so we all should be prophets of truth. Then said something to this effect, 

"God's love has no boundaries. We are all children of God and He loves us unconditionally, no matter how much we've sinned and hurt Him, He still loves us. So we wanna be closer to Him, we should not limit ourselves because love has no boundaries, and neither should we." 

I was struck in my seat, to the point where I felt like no one else was in the room. You know, like how it is in the movies, when a spotlight is turned on and its main focus is you, and everything else turns to darkness. Except, the light that was shining on me were those exact words, as if my mind just all of a sudden cleared up when my heart, the same organ that knew those same things, whispered those uplifting words so my mind can match my heart. 

It's hard to explain exactly just how I was triggered, but I know I've been questioning whether loving someone who doesn't seem to deserve my love is right...and the answer I've been searching for fell onto my lap right then and there. I am loved by God and those who he blessed me family, my friends...and what got to me even more was when he mentioned that we should love even our enemies because 

those who seem difficult to love are the most deserving of our love

I damn near cried when I heard that. 

The same day I hear that lecture, I get into an argument that escalated into something bigger than I anticipated. We always seem to argue and most of the time, it's because of some type of misunderstanding but I can't help but care about this person, and for some reason, after hearing that, it seems clearer as to why I still do, despite the tears. It's literally like a scale- the good outweighs the bad ALWAYS.

But go slightly off topic (well maybe not so much off topic), I've mentioned a different blog before- Eccentric Souls- and one of the writers of that blog suggested I peep these poems, and me, being a big fan of poetry checked it out. Man, I'm sure glad I did.

This one, I relate to so much. Everyone would like to have a "special someone" in their lives, whether it be a boyfriend/girlfriend, a lover, husband/wife, or even someone they know share the same feelings as they do. But people get so wrapped up and taken away by having "that one" that they forget they already possess "the one" in themselves. I'm guilty of this at times too. I forget that I love myself because I always think about other people who fall into that "I love you" category. But watch this video and you'll see what I mean :)

Here's another one...actually one of the very first poems I peeped online last summer and is one of my all time favorites. I'm one of those people who want "this type love." I'm a very passionate person, and if you know me, you'd know this. I like this video for this same exact reason...cuz I can be a simp and be mushy and what not cuz that's just me. I just express myself as emotions come up, IF AND ONLY IF I've already trusted you with that. I feel the need to address this: BUT don't take it the wrong way... I don't necessarily want a boyfriend. It's not that I'm opposed to having one, I'd just much rather prefer someone who shares the same feelings with me. Anyways, just peep this video, if you got that type love, lucky you and I wish you all the best, but if you don't, there is no need to worry because you still got some other type love :)


Thank you thisismycool for the blog love and for the poems & for inspiring me to write (post) this blog because I thought twice about doing so :)


Smile & tell someone you love them matter how difficult it is. You never know just how much it would mean to them


  1. your blog is like a breath of fresh air. thanks for the shout out. much appreciated. i can't say enough how comforting it is to see someone blog the way you do. whether i personally relate or not, there's always something i can take from it. maybe it's because i'm such a passionate person myself. well whatever the case, keep rockin.

  2. girrrrrrl. i absolutely love this. i cant even say more--i can completely relate. thanks for sharing. :) you're amazing.
