I came across the Oprah special at ten pm about the Christmas in the Obama White House. There was a portion of the interview when Oprah was conversing with both the President and the First Lady, and here's the beauty I got out of it.
"Start out with someone you trust and that you respect. He makes me mad but I
can still say 'I like you' and that's very important..."
-Michelle Obama
can still say 'I like you' and that's very important..."
-Michelle Obama
Oprah: How can you balance power when your husband is the most powerful
man in the world?
[The First Lady sits and smiles, while her husband answers the question]
President Obama: Have that confidence. [As he points at her] Have that strength.Being able to always think you're right so you can speak your mind.
We butt heads alot and that has caused friction but
if you know and trust the other person enough,
you will always remember that it's not a competition, it's a collaboration.
Love, it's a beautiful thing!
Deng that's sik.