Wednesday, December 2, 2009

World War III

No, I'm not talking about the 30, 000 something extra troops the government is sending to Afghanistan and Pakistan. Nah, I'm not even talking about the Iraq War or any other battle. I'm talking about the war that is among us, within us, and surrounding us- the war of prejudice.

We are supposed to be a nation built on the foundations of equality and fairness. We are supposed to be welcoming because of all the diverse groups of people inhabiting our land. We are supposed to be united because of all the chaos we have experienced. We are supposed to work and stand strong TOGETHER. So why is it that we do things to bring those who are supposed to be one with us down? Why do we say things that are remotely out of context we dare not say in front of their faces but do so in the darkness of their backs?

I feel like this war is worse than the actual violence that occur in the battlefields of the desert. No, I'm not disregarding the value or the importance of those wars but I do think that there are other issues that need addressing because it envelops our youth, corrupts our society, and disintegrates minds of those who are trying to do the right thing.

If I was an expectant mother, I'm not sure I would want to bear my child into this kind of environment. I'm not sure if raising a child in this hazardous generation that continues to get more putrid and putrid every waking day is wise, or is any better than choosing to not have my child at all. At least, I wouldn't be held responsible if 14 years later, she gets impregnated out of her own will OR he gets imprisoned, this time, not just by his thoughts but by the physical barrier the government puts around delinquents of society because they wanted to fit in since everyone else thought they were so vain when they didn't.

We have got to stop this war because this one involves not only the government and our soldiers, it involves even our youngest of children. So please, before you say or do anything our of context- maybe out of jealousy or hatred- look in the mirror and ask yourself, "Is it worth risking the life of another to contribute to this growing war?"

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