Friday, January 1, 2010

Kissing '09 Goodbye

Dear 2009,

You have truly been a blessing in disguise. I didn't expect much from you to be honest, but there you were, filling my days with something new to look forward to.

I have to admit though, out of the 19 precious years I've lived, I don't think any other years before you can match the intensity of the ride you have brought. I mean, I've never been so emotional in my life. I shed and cried so many tears, whether outta anger, sadness, or joy...and that's another thing, I have never cried out of joy like I did with you. I was in a whirlwind of emotions and moods with you, and for that I really thank you.

I also had so many "firsts" with you. First time experiencing physical and emotional changes. First time I admitted to feeling a certain way about a person. First time being involved for longer than a few months with a person. First time I opened up my heart and my mind, especially to my parents. Most importantly, first time truly learning about myself and who I am.

In your year, I cannot end this letter without including one of the most involved people in my life. I didn't expect him to be so heavily involved in how you (2009) shaped up to be, but he was. I know that some people have gotten upset over it, and they may get upset over this again but I had to do things for my own. I had to make my own decisions for myself, and I apologize if it hurt anybody but I am not sorry I made them. The thing is, I also cannot deny how much of an influence he had been, and I'm strong enough to say that I don't regret anything that has happened between him and I. Heck, I can write an entire letter just about it, but the main thing I'd like to address is that I am very grateful for all the experiences and for getting to know you. Because with it came the blessing of getting to know my strength and my faith. So to whom it may concern, thank you.

You taught me that I can be strong enough to handle the situations I have been given, and that I can and did learn from the mistakes and experiences I went through. You showed me my own capabilities and my own gifts, and for that I am most grateful. Now, I can truly say that I am ready, and I couldn't have done it without your lessons.

To 2009, thank you for being such a great year, goodbye to you...

Dear 2010,

I know everyone is asking you to please be good to them, but I ask that you please be extra cautious with me. I know what I want and I need and I just pray for some assistance so that I do not let anyone or anything hinder me from accomplishing what I need for myself, and for my happiness.

I'm ready. I'm ready for love, I'm ready for change.

I have this great feeling that you truly will be the Year of the Lover. I feel that you will bring me all the love I want and need for the coming seasons under your influence, and I thank you in advance.

I do not ask that you please not break my heart, but I ask that you may be gentle and kind enough to help my heart heal and mend if ever it gets tampered with, because I know my heart can never be broken. It can simply just be dented, but it will always be restored back to its natural being, stronger than before, in case it gets dented once again.

I look forward to the many wonderful things you have in stored, and for whatever surprises you may bring, I'm ready and cannot be more excited to face another year of growth and wonder.

With love,
Julieanne Aquino


  1. Nice Blog ! Hope You Find Love :)

  2. *sigh.
    You always have a way of expressing wat i feel i want to say.
    I can't help but nod everytime ur words hit home to my heart(:
    Let's do this baby--year of the Lover.

  3. awww, i too said it was def the year of the lover! :) i hope you have a truly amazing year!
