Monday, February 8, 2010

GREAT morning everyone!

I woke up on the "right" side of the bed this bed...earlier than usual and I'm glad because my mood is quite a great one, and I'd like to share it with you all. I'd also like to share this quote someone commented on one of my posts because I believe it's worth sharing. So who ever this "Anonymous" may have been, thank you for this...and to everyone else, may you all have a blessed day and an even greater week :)

Everything and everyone does happen for a reason, good or bad, it's in our nature to learn from them. Never let anyone get to you, hold you down, and never show them your weak side.

Accept the truth, whatever it may be, and deal with it...


1 comment:

  1. Take it from someone who's definitely been there. Life works in mysterious ways. We can't have everything and everyone, if we did, where would we put them?

    Things can't always go the way we want them to. Certain people that we want in our lives can't always be there, simply because they chose not to be. Ask yourself, why put time into someone who doesn't want to be a part of your life? There are others out there who want to be that person that has mutual feelings, but that is the obstacle in life, trying to find that person to make you whole!

    I don't know you and you don't know me, but you need to make things happen for yourself. You have a lot going for yourself. Just from reading your blog, I find you smart, funny, joyful, beautiful, and emotional. Negative energy will not change anything nor will it make anything better. Staying in bed and feeling depressed, lost in thoughts, etc. etc. will not make things better. Any guy that does not want to be in your life is absolutely crazy! There are a billion people on this planet, so don't let any one of them get to you and affect the way you live life. Sure it will hurt and take time, but it'll happen. Learn from it.

    "The past makes us who we are today."

    "Buildings burn, people die, but true love is forever..." -Sarah

