Tuesday, February 2, 2010


They say I talk a lot, and I have to admit I do. Although there are times when I don't feel like talking or find the need to because I'm not comfortable. But the times that I do talk, please believe that passion drives the speech, and that my words AREN'T just words.

I'm currently angry. Angry at this system trained to make us believe that it is there to enhance our knowledge and establish a successful future for us. FUCK THAT BULLSHIT! How are you gonna tell me that I'll be successful when I can't even pass a fucking midterm despite going to class every time, reading the textbook, and doing the problems, as well as studying four straight days prior to the exam? Naw, see you want me to believe that I can excel in this institution when it is made to bring me down to crash and burn. FUCK THAT! and FUCK YOU!

You don't give a shit about me. NO matter how much I try, it is never enough. Never good enough, never enough for you. I work hard like you said I should so I can climb up, but every single time I put an effort forward, I get pushed down into the mud, left with my own tears and my own strength to pull me back up...

But that's just it right there, sometimes I don't have enough strength to pull me back up completely. So FUCK YOU! I shouldn't give a shit about you anymore seeing as to how many times you've put me down. I try and try and TRY but it's never good enough. I'm never good enough. FUCK YOU.

...& I'm not just talking about the educational system now either. Fuck you for not caring for and about me.

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