Sunday, March 1, 2009

Sun rise is approximately around 6 am ish

So I've eating off campus and I've been sleeping really early this weekend...something like 8am ish and waking up at around 4pm ish. 

So this is Adrian, my friend with a 'Chris Brown' alter ego. & this picture definitely defines our friendship. That would be his  'ima-beat-you-up' face  and that's my 'you-must-be-stupid-if-you-think-that' face! MWAHAHAHA!

So anywhoo, back to my recently crazy sleeping habits...yeah I've been working on this stupid DOC paper that I absolutely don't wanna write! GRRRR! But oh well, I'm not even trippen anymore because Mister History Buff up there pretty much helped me write the essay. Now I just gotta fill in the blanks and make sure it ends up to be at least 5 effin pages! 

LMAO, as a result of study sessions, of course there had to be breaks in between cuz you can't just study for like 7 hours straight! So here's a list of things to do for study breaks!

-Go to Ralph's and get Mint Chocolate Chip Brownie ice cream
and go around riding the carts!
-Watch these videos on youtube!

-Eat 99 cent Hot Pockets
-Take random ass pictures on MacBook PhotoBooth
-Put 'barrettes' on Adrian's hair

Then go back to studying =/, organizing my thesis and outline, and being a skeleton for Barrette boy's paramedics class. Sleep at 7:38 am. No time to go home this weekend :'(
But I'll be good after 2 pm on Monday :) YAYYYY!

***PROCRASTINATING! at its finest...I sure have a knack for it!

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