Saturday, October 17, 2009


Today started off as a great day. Woke up and got ready to see "Where the Wild Things Are" [blog entry about that later on] but as I got back on campus, things just went haywire after that. Not even directly affecting me, but it does affect me somehow because it involves people who are dear to my heart. I won't mention who they are out of respect for them but their similar situations made me realize some things.

Relationships are like flowers, fragile and eager to grow. You start with the getting to know stage and it blossoms into one wonderful development of both parties involved. You learn something new about and from each other that helps you mature and grow individually as well as together. But just like a flower, if one does not nurture the other, it will stop growing and maybe even start rotting, and if one isn't patient or passionate enough, it will stop blossoming and eventually, die.

The most unexpected things happen even to the most sincere and loving people. When will one know if his or her relationship is in need of salvation? And when you figure that out, what is one supposed to do to save it? Is it even worth saving, or is it better off to let go so that another one can blossom?


  1. *sigh. so beautifully stated.
    && yup a beautifully frightening concept.
    Love-one of the most confusing topics for those who don't have it;;
    but the easiest for those who do.

  2. I appreciate this comment.
    I would have to most definitely agree; im a newbie in this subject but it is easy once you've experienced it even though you can't explain what it really is....

  3. those last series of questions are so crucial and many people dont even realize it. it differs from person to person. situation to situation. for me personally. when my thoughts are more negative than positive. when our words are more damaging than nuturing. it's time to evaluate what's more important: riding until the wheels fall off or respecting the connection you've both made and end on the best terms possible.
