Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Thank you Science

I was inspired to write something somewhat academic and educational since I just came back from a four-hour sit in workshop for Math and Chemistry, since 10 am today. Ehh, math was so-so, stuff I already know but chemistry, now that triggered this blog- Law of Conservation of Energy to be exact. It states that no energy is created nor destroyed; it is simply changes form or transfers from one matter to another. 

This theory-well, fact, I guess you can say- lingered in my mind even after that workshop. I was walking back to my apartment and started thinking of how often this "transfer of energy" occurs among, within, and between "matter" but more specifically, between people. Then I started to realize that one person can simply walk my way and "steal" my energy. Ok, that sounds kinda crazy, but take this for example: Say you wake up one morning, and for some reason you were just ecstatic and joyful (basically you woke up on the right side of the bed). So you get ready for your day and as soon as you walk out, you encounter the delivery man in the UPS truck. Being that jolly person you are that day, you wave and greet him good morning. However, for whatever reason, the delivery man was in a bad mood because, IDK, say he was late to work and got lectured by his boss. One of two things can happen after your initial greeting. One, he may greet you back with a smile and a 'good morning' therefore, you transferred some of your positive energy into him OR two, he can frown and even ignore you, which may put a damper on your day, and therefore caused a transfer of his negative energy onto you. Get the picture?

So, I was walking around, like I said and I wondered how many times this has personally happened to me. I flourish in an environment that cultivates positive and vibrant ambiance, aura, and vibe. So whenever I walk into a room filled with lively smiles and warm personalities, although I may not necessarily know the people in it, I get a vibe of "Ahhh yes, they are welcoming, yes they do want me here!" and even if I was in a bad mood, it instantly changes and starts to reflect the optimism in the room and I begin to smile as well. I remember this happened to me and my P.I.C. Elize last year. Many MANY times, she would accuse me of "stealing" her energy when I'd be amped and hyped for no reason and she'd be tired or what not.

I feel like I'm kinda being redundant in a way, but I find it amazingly ironic how much we try to avoid science courses in school even when they are mandatory but in reality, our lives and who we are is science itself. Like if you think about it, your body is a science experiment and everything you do, wherever and whenever it may be revolves around something else and just maybe, can be calculated within an equation. Maybe, UCSD is getting to me, but I just felt the need to talk about something that was less superficial than who is the "it" person in Hollywood because I feel like I need to take myself back to what is important.

Having said that, I thought maybe writing down the things I would like to start and eventually accomplish might be more helpful that just keeping it all running around in my head 24/7. Yeah, it's nice to have an idea but I'm a visual learner and seeing, cliche as it may sound, is believing...in some cases. I've been so wrapped up in tryna meet people and be at functions and what not, but that was me last year. This year, I actually wanna start doing something else, other than just simply going to class, reading, studying, then going to discussions and the occasional parties. I wanna leap outside my comfort zone and venture into do something for others...and improve myself in doing so as well. I've said it many times, every time I'm asked what I wanna do in life. I wanna be a obstetrician/gynecologist. It seems like alot, and I'll have to admit, I am already getting overwhelmed with my classes and it's barely 2nd week of this school year...so it is alot. 

Just the other day, I thought about switching my major to something "easier" and maybe not so science-filled but then I thought about it again, and I realized that the GOOD OUTWEIGHS THE BAD. I wanna be an OB/GYNE because I've seen so many people, women and children especially, who do not have the opportunity to receive pre-natal care or any health services for that matter because of poverty. Coming from a country encompassing these problems, I wanna be able to come back home and help those who do not have a voice within themselves to move up and be someone. I feel like the work that I need to get done to do that is bearable compared to the heart-breaking obstacles and sacrifices they have to face each and everyday, and by any way I can, I wanna help lessen that burden. I know I can't solve everything, but to me personally, the littlest things count and often times, mean the most. Most especially, I'm doing it not for myself, but for my parents who humbly raised me to become someone who fights for what's right and what's true, and supported in whatever I believed in despite their disagreement. In the end, it'll all be worth it, if only I can see the smiles in their eyes that will be reflected in the eyes of every patient and person I help. At the end of the day, I wanna be able to ask myself, "What else could you have done better today?" and I wanna be able to answer with, "Nothing, I've done the best I could" and smile knowing that I did.


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