Sunday, January 24, 2010

Great Expectations.

One lesson I learned from this situation is that I shouldn't expect others to have the same intentions and same emotions as I do.

High expectations lead to high disappointments.

I can only expect something from myself because I'm the only one I have control over. I have no control over another's thoughts and feelings, therefore I cannot expect them to react the same way I would, despite similar situations.

I cannot expect another person to deal with situations the same way that I will, despite the fact that we both care about each other. Not everybody deals the same way, and like my homie David always says, "Everything is situational."

"Normal" is a relative term. One thing may be normal to one person, and it could be extreme to another.

I also learned that I shouldn't go into anything to try and make someone else better, even if they ask me to. I cannot do such a thing. In fact, nobody really can. I mean, yes, I can influence someone to do better and be better, but that only comes naturally if the person is ready to do so.

Like I said, people deal with situations in different ways. For example, some people maybe hurt, and instead of fully moving on, they choose to have the pain linger in them. With that said, if another comes in to try and make things "better," it just won't work because that person is not allowing themselves to go there; they are not ready yet.

It all boils down to knowing and respecting myself, as well as others, enough to know where our boundaries lie. Also, know where our differences stand and work from there.
I can only do me, and the only way I can do that is by being in touch with myself. I can only hope that others may be as privileged with their own selves to know who they are, and what they are willing to go through, like I have been.

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