Saturday, March 20, 2010

My Angels.

To my mother. To my father. To my grandmother. To all the beautiful people who continue to smile and live with passion everyday...

There are those whose destiny have been painted picture perfectly in the stars.
Those people are fortunate.
Then there are those whose destiny are locked deep within the ocean deep, passed a mountain top covered in muddy banks of arrogance,
Yet they continue to transpire and behold beauty while inspiring others to do the same.
Those people are courage.
"They are people who can bare anything. Their maker she said gives them the sky on their head because they are strong."
I have been blessed.
I have died and I have lived once again,
And this I knew because angels, whose woes turned into the most harmonious melodies in unison, woke me up from my "sleep".
These voices, their energies, caused my mind to thrive and strive to be heard, to be understood.
These angels, God's most precious blessings descended from Heaven
To heal the ailments of suffering,
And even for one moment,
Elate the tenderest and lonliest of hearts,
Ignite the quietest and meekest of souls,
And engulf the senseless, most ignorant minds with knowledge
And love.
To this day, I am honored to be in the presence of angels.
God was, and He continues to be good to me, to us
Because he left His most precious gifts
To transcend the darkness that has set upon our land
With light that shines,
Making me, us, "strong, tall, and mighty"
And forever, I am grateful.

...Here's to you. Thank you, angels, for continuing to be a foundation for me when I am weak. For whose inspiration and drive continue to motivate me when I am fed up. For whose bountiful voices continue to lift me when I am silenced and meek. For whose sacrifices have made me a better person, a better being, today, and for always.

My heart is as warm as the embers of your desire to cultivate love. You are much appreciated!

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